5 Ideas For Your Brand Consistency

When it comes to branding, consistency is the name of the game . Whether you’re managing one brand or multiple brands all with different audiences and messages, you need to have a clear picture of what you want your brand to represent. To create a consistent brand across all platforms, start by taking inventory of your existing  collateral . This can include business cards, writing samples, presentation folders, client presentation materials and just about anything else that contains your company’s  logo .

Conversion rate optimization is a continuous process that requires agility and focus. You need to stay adaptable and creative to nail your customer in the most effective way under different goals. While focusing on every aspect, don’t forget to build a brand strategy that would blend with your overall plan and boost brand consistency.

1.  Hire a Brand Consistency Professional

Some companies select influencers or brand consistency professionals to promote and represent their brand. Before aligning with a particular influencer, determine how well they fit your brand. For example, consider whether they appeal to your company’s audience, if their personality complements your brand’s and if they’re actually legitimate. Determine their relevance to your brand to ensure a positive working relationship and to ensure your company gets both proper promotion and greater brand consistency.

2. Maintain a consistent voice and tone

Whether you communicate as your company’s brand offline or online, keep the same personality, tone and voice throughout. For example, if your company’s brand voice is fun and casual on one social media channel, it needs to have this same tone on all of its other social media channels. Maintaining a consistent tone helps your customers know what to expect from your company and can help your brand appear more cohesive as a whole. It ultimately helps shape part of your overall brand identity.

3. Create content that aligns with your brand

Before adding items to your content calendar, consider the topics. Ensure any topic your company covers is consistent with your brand’s overall mission and identity. Consider how you can make certain topics or content relate to your brand. For example, if your company serves a specific industry vertical, consider creating a company blog with content that directly affects or interests your company’s audience. This helps your company provide quality expertise or insight to its customers.

4. Monitor internal branding and culture

Brand consistency is a company-wide effort. Apart from building awareness and finding new leads, it’s also important to focus on employee participation regarding branding initiatives. To deliver a customer experience that aligns with your brand voice, ensure support from your internal employees. For example, consider working with your company’s marketing leader so that they’re involved with internal culture-building activities. You can also collaborate with the human resources department to develop a brand-focused corporate culture initiative. Some employees can even act as brand ambassadors to advocate for the company on various social media platforms.

5. Use a brand style guide

Also known as brand guidelines, a brand style guide is a set of rules that outlines how to use your company’s branding elements. Create a brand style guide that clearly defines your brand rules and how to adhere to them. Developing a style guide ensures everyone uses the same information for company materials and messaging. Your brand style guide can mention a variety of elements, including:

  • Company mission
  • Brand color palette
  • Font usage
  • Logo design
  • Brand voice and copy guidelines
  • Photo and image styles


Consistency is incredibly important for brands. It helps build trust, and it makes them recognizable. That’s why you should always look into creating a visual language for your brand early on so you can stay consistent throughout everything you create.